Beautiful children’s books for you and your family.
Crusty the Orange
We all have a purpose and a place to shine, so follow your dreams and all will be fine.
- Grace Josephine

The more that you read, the more things you will know.
- Dr Seuss

Crusty the Orange
Crusty the Orange follows the story of a dried-up, sad, very crusty orange on a beautiful tree. Surrounded by ‘perfect’ oranges who know where they are heading in life, Crusty feels useless and believes he has no purpose.
It’s all thanks to Crusty who has shown us all
that no matter how big or small,
we all have a purpose and a place to shine
so follow your dreams, and all will be fine
Lou The Lost Witch
Remember when you meet somebody new
That they could be just like the witch named Lou.
Don’t be too speedy to judge another;
You can’t read a book by looking only at its cover.
The Bendy Tree
When storms and change knock on our door
We must become bendier than ever before
Ride with the wind and go with the flow
Adapt and be flexible, and there you shall grow